For developers API Websocket Subscriptions This page describes subscribing to data streams using the WebSocket API.
Subscription messages
To subscribe to specific data feeds, you need to send a subscription message. The subscription message format is as follows:
Copy {
"method": "subscribe",
"subscription": { ... }
The subscription object contains the details of the specific feed you want to subscribe to. Choose from the following subscription types and provide the corresponding properties:
Subscription message: { "type": "allMids" }
Subscription message: { "type": "notification", "user": "<address>" }
Data format: Notification
Subscription message: { "type": "webData2", "user": "<address>" }
Subscription message: { "type": "candle", "coin": "<coin_symbol>", "interval": "<candle_interval>" }
Subscription message: { "type": "l2Book", "coin": "<coin_symbol>" }
Optional parameters: nSigFigs: int, mantissa: int
Subscription message: { "type": "trades", "coin": "<coin_symbol>" }
Subscription message: { "type": "orderUpdates", "user": "<address>" }
Subscription message: { "type": "userEvents", "user": "<address>" }
Subscription message: { "type": "userFills", "user": "<address>" }
Optional parameter: aggregateByTime: bool
Subscription message: { "type": "userFundings", "user": "<address>" }
Data format: WsUserFundings
Subscription message: { "type": "userNonFundingLedgerUpdates", "user": "<address>" }
Data format: WsUserNonFundingLedgerUpdates
Subscription message: { "type": "activeAssetCtx", "coin": "coin_symbol>" }
Data format: WsActiveAssetCtx
or WsActiveSpotAssetCtx
: (only supports Perps)
Subscription message: { "type": "activeAssetData", "user": "<address>", "coin": "coin_symbol>" }
Data format: WsActiveAssetData
Subscription message: { "type": "userTwapSliceFills", "user": "<address>" }
Data format: WsUserTwapSliceFills
Subscription message: { "type": "userTwapHistory", "user": "<address>" }
Data format: WsUserTwapHistory
Data formats
The server will respond to successful subscriptions with a message containing the channel
property set to "subscriptionResponse"
, along with the data
field providing the original subscription. The server will then start sending messages with the channel
property set to the corresponding subscription type e.g. "allMids"
and the data
field providing the subscribed data.
The data
field format depends on the subscription type:
: All mid prices.
Format: AllMids { mids: Record<string, string> }
: A notification message.
Format: Notification { notification: string }
: Aggregate information about a user, used primarily for the frontend.
: An array of trade updates.
: Order book snapshot updates.
Format: WsBook { coin: string; levels: [Array<WsLevel>, Array<WsLevel>]; time: number; }
: User order updates.
: User events that are not order updates
Format: WsUserEvent { "fills": [WsFill] | "funding": WsUserFunding | "liquidation": WsLiquidation | "nonUserCancel": [WsNonUserCancel] }
: Fills snapshot followed by streaming fills
: Funding payments snapshot followed by funding payments on the hour
: Ledger updates not including funding payments: withdrawals, deposits, transfers, and liquidations
For the streaming user endpoints such as WsUserFills
the first message has isSnapshot: true
and the following streaming updates have isSnapshot: false
Data type definitions
Here are the definitions of the data types used in the WebSocket API:
Copy interface WsTrade {
coin: string;
side: string;
px: string;
sz: string;
hash: string;
time: number;
tid: number; // ID unique across all assets
users: [string, string] // [buyer, seller]
// Snapshot feed, pushed on each block that is at least 0.5 since last push
interface WsBook {
coin: string;
levels: [Array<WsLevel>, Array<WsLevel>];
time: number;
interface WsLevel {
px: string; // price
sz: string; // size
n: number; // number of orders
interface Notification {
notification: string;
interface AllMids {
mids: Record<string, string>;
interface Candle {
t: number; // open millis
T: number; // close millis
s: string; // coin
i: string; // interval
o: number; // open price
c: number; // close price
h: number; // high price
l: number; // low price
v: number; // volume (base unit)
n: number; // number of trades
type WsUserEvent = {"fills": WsFill[]} | {"funding": WsUserFunding} | {"liquidation": WsLiquidation} | {"nonUserCancel" :WsNonUserCancel[]};
interface WsUserFills {
isSnapshot?: boolean;
user: string;
fills: Array<WsFill>;
interface WsFill {
coin: string;
px: string; // price
sz: string; // size
side: string;
time: number;
startPosition: string;
dir: string; // used for frontend display
closedPnl: string;
hash: string; // L1 transaction hash
oid: number; // order id
crossed: boolean; // whether order crossed the spread (was taker)
fee: string; // negative means rebate
tid: number; // unique trade id
liquidation?: FillLiquidation;
feeToken: string; // the token the fee was paid in
builderFee?: string; // amount paid to builder, also included in fee
interface FillLiquidation {
liquidatedUser?: string;
markPx: number;
method: "market" | "backstop";
interface WsUserFunding {
time: number;
coin: string;
usdc: string;
szi: string;
fundingRate: string;
interface WsLiquidation {
lid: number;
liquidator: string;
liquidated_user: string;
liquidated_ntl_pos: string;
liquidated_account_value: string;
interface WsNonUserCancel {
coin: String;
oid: number;
interface WsOrder {
order: WsBasicOrder;
status: string; // Possible values: open, filled, canceled, triggered, rejected, marginCanceled
statusTimestamp: number;
interface WsBasicOrder {
coin: string;
side: string;
limitPx: string;
sz: string;
oid: number;
timestamp: number;
origSz: string;
cloid: string | undefined;
interface WsActiveAssetCtx {
coin: string;
ctx: PerpsAssetCtx;
interface WsActiveSpotAssetCtx {
coin: string;
ctx: SpotAssetCtx;
type SharedAssetCtx = {
dayNtlVlm: number;
prevDayPx: number;
markPx: number;
midPx?: number;
type PerpsAssetCtx = SharedAssetCtx & {
funding: number;
openInterest: number;
oraclePx: number;
type SpotAssetCtx = SharedAssetCtx & {
circulatingSupply: number;
interface WsActiveAssetData {
user: string;
coin: string;
leverage: Leverage;
maxTradeSzs: [number, number];
availableToTrade: [number, number];
interface WsTwapSliceFill {
fill: WsFill;
twapId: number;
interface WsUserTwapSliceFills {
isSnapshot?: boolean;
user: string;
twapSliceFills: Array<WsTwapSliceFill>;
interface TwapState {
coin: string;
user: string;
side: string;
sz: number;
executedSz: number;
executedNtl: number;
minutes: number;
reduceOnly: boolean;
randomize: boolean;
timestamp: number;
type TwapStatus = "activated" | "terminated" | "finished" | "error";
interface WsTwapHistory {
state: TwapState;
status: {
status: TwapStatus;
description: string;
time: number;
interface WsUserTwapHistory {
isSnapshot?: boolean;
user: string;
history: Array<WsTwapHistory>;
Copy interface WsUserNonFundingLedgerUpdate {
time: number;
hash: string;
delta: WsLedgerUpdate;
type WsLedgerUpdate =
| WsDeposit
| WsWithdraw
| WsInternalTransfer
| WsSubAccountTransfer
| WsLedgerLiquidation
| WsVaultDelta
| WsVaultWithdrawal
| WsVaultLeaderCommission
| WsSpotTransfer
| WsAccountClassTransfer
| WsSpotGenesis
| WsRewardsClaim;
interface WsDeposit {
type: "deposit";
usdc: number;
interface WsWithdraw {
type: "withdraw";
usdc: number;
nonce: number;
fee: number;
interface WsInternalTransfer {
type: "internalTransfer";
usdc: number;
user: string;
destination: string;
fee: number;
interface WsSubAccountTransfer {
type: "subAccountTransfer";
usdc: number;
user: string;
destination: string;
interface WsLedgerLiquidation {
type: "liquidation";
// NOTE: for isolated positions this is the isolated account value
accountValue: number;
leverageType: "Cross" | "Isolated";
liquidatedPositions: Array<LiquidatedPosition>;
interface LiquidatedPosition {
coin: string;
szi: number;
interface WsVaultDelta {
type: "vaultCreate" | "vaultDeposit" | "vaultDistribution";
vault: string;
usdc: number;
interface WsVaultWithdrawal {
type: "vaultWithdraw";
vault: string;
user: string;
requestedUsd: number;
commission: number;
closingCost: number;
basis: number;
netWithdrawnUsd: number;
interface WsVaultLeaderCommission {
type: "vaultLeaderCommission";
user: string;
usdc: number;
interface WsSpotTransfer = {
type: "spotTransfer";
token: string;
amount: number;
usdcValue: number;
user: string;
destination: string;
fee: number;
interface WsAccountClassTransfer = {
type: "accountClassTransfer";
usdc: number;
toPerp: boolean;
interface WsSpotGenesis = {
type: "spotGenesis";
token: string;
amount: number;
interface WsRewardsClaim = {
type: "rewardsClaim";
amount: number;
Please note that the above data types are in TypeScript format, and their usage corresponds to the respective subscription types.
Here are a few examples of subscribing to different feeds using the subscription messages:
Subscribe to all mid prices:
Copy { "method": "subscribe", "subscription": { "type": "allMids" } }
Subscribe to notifications for a specific user:
Copy { "method": "subscribe", "subscription": { "type": "notification", "user": "<address>" } }
Subscribe to web data for a specific user:
Copy { "method": "subscribe", "subscription": { "type": "webData", "user": "<address>" } }
Subscribe to candle updates for a specific coin and interval:
Copy { "method": "subscribe", "subscription": { "type": "candle", "coin": "<coin_symbol>", "interval": "<candle_interval>" } }
Subscribe to order book updates for a specific coin:
Copy { "method": "subscribe", "subscription": { "type": "l2Book", "coin": "<coin_symbol>" } }
Subscribe to trades for a specific coin:
Copy { "method": "subscribe", "subscription": { "type": "trades", "coin": "<coin_symbol>" } }
Unsubscribing from WebSocket feeds
To unsubscribe from a specific data feed on the Hyperliquid WebSocket API, you need to send an unsubscribe message with the following format:
Copy {
"method": "unsubscribe",
"subscription": { ... }
The subscription
object should match the original subscription message that was sent when subscribing to the feed. This allows the server to identify the specific feed you want to unsubscribe from. By sending this unsubscribe message, you inform the server to stop sending further updates for the specified feed.
Please note that unsubscribing from a specific feed does not affect other subscriptions you may have active at that time. To unsubscribe from multiple feeds, you can send multiple unsubscribe messages, each with the appropriate subscription details.