The deposit flow is for the bridge is simple. The user sends native USDC to the bridge and it is credited to the account that sent it in less than 1 minute. The minimum deposit amount is $5. If you send an amount less than this it will not be credited and be lost forever.
The withdrawal flow requires a user wallet signature on the L1 only, and no Arbitrum transaction. The withdrawal from Arbitrum is handled entirely the validators, and the funds arrive in the user wallet in 3-4 minutes. This payload for signTypedData is
"action": {
"type": "withdraw3",
"signatureChainId": "0xa4b1",
"hyperliquidChain": "Mainnet" or "Testnet"
"destination": "0x000....0",
"amount": "12.3",
"time": 1698693262
"nonce": 1698693262 // IMPORTANT: this must match "time",
"signature": {"r": ..., "s": ..., "v": ... } // signedTypedData output based on Eip712 implementation above. See python sdk for equivalent python code
Deposit with permit
The bridge supports depositing on behalf of another user via the batchedDepositWithPermitfunction. Example code for how the user can sign the PermitPayload
const payload: PermitPayload = {
owner, // The address of the user with funds they want to deposit
spender, // The address of the bridge 0x2df1c51e09aecf9cacb7bc98cb1742757f163df7 on mainnet and 0x279c9462FDba349550b49a23DE27dd19d5891baA on testnet
const isMainnet = true;
const domain = {
name: isMainnet ? "USD Coin" : "USDC2",
version: isMainnet ? "2" : "1",
chainId: isMainnet ? 42161 : 421614,
verifyingContract: isMainnet ? "0xaf88d065e77c8cC2239327C5EDb3A432268e5831" : "0x1870Dc7A474e045026F9ef053d5bB20a250Cc084",
const permitTypes = {
Permit: [
{ name: "owner", type: "address" },
{ name: "spender", type: "address" },
{ name: "value", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "nonce", type: "uint256" },
{ name: "deadline", type: "uint256" },
const dataToSign = {
types: permitTypes,
primaryType: "Permit",
message: payload,
} as const;
const data = await walletClient.signTypedData(dataToSign);
const signature = splitSig(data);